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2 and half week update on Gastric sleeve

2 and half week update on Gastric sleeve

the pain, uneasyness, uncomfortness, but I did lose some weight…and some inches…and have a question for you all!!! Please respond and let me know what you think

In the beginning…

To decide to start a blog is huge responibility. First you have to remember to keep up with it. This is something I can honestly say, Im NOT good at. However, because of some recent changes that I have decided to do, why not change some of my faults.

To start off, My name is Paula. In a couple of months I will be 28. I hate that Im turning 28. 10 short years ago was the worst part of my life, and most likely the reason why I am embarking on this path Im about to take. 10 years ago, I decided to something so durastic that, I feel, is the reason my weight gain started. I was so confused, and mislead that I didn’t have anything to turn to but to food. Because of this, I am about to get Gastric Bypass Surgery. I am not blamming people, or even a certain someone. I know this was my fault.

This blog is to keep up with my goals, challeges and hopefully gain some perspective on my life, while losing this weight. As of today, I weight 300.3 and extremly embarressed to say that. But there it is. My most embarressing thing about me…my weight.